Abolishing of Ration book for wine and spitits, 21 May
This system was started to prevent abuse of alcohol. The ration was a
matter of judgement. The Ration Book - "Motboken" was required to buy
wine and spirits. Married women, youths younger than 25, homeless people
and people who had drank and committed an offence did not get a Ration book.
Unmarried women could get a Ration book after special examination.
In the beginning of 1914 there was a maximum ration of 12 litre
spirits per person and quarter of the year. Later it was raised to 16 litre.
As a connection of The First Worldwar they inaugurated critical state restrictions
and maximum went down to 2 litre.
After many years political discussions and investigations
the Swedish parliament - Sveriges Riksdag decided to abolish the Ration book the
1st of October 1955.